Traditional Artwork

This is art that is un-assisted by computers. I mean, I did need a digital camera to take a picture of it. But it was actual hands on materials old school art work happening here. Its nice to get into this once and a while. My up bringing was one where we were taught that there is a place for everything, and everything a place. So I have a strange need to keep organized and generally do not like messy things. From time to time though you need to say damn it all I’m working here… 

Illustration Title:

Reclining with Raven


Illustration Title:

Wampa Shirt


Illustration Title:

Posh Aliens
(Random Idea I Had)

Illustration Title:

Low Watt Protection

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New Age Wicca

Illustration Title:

My First Ghost Stories

Illustration Title:

Two Shadows

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Illustration Title:

Monster Pets

Illustration Title:

Mr Shekels